You’d think genuine inspiration, talent, and hard work combined with fearless perseverance would lead to success.

You’d think, if you and your pal come up with a brilliant new hit that makes tons of money, you wouldn’t have to struggle to pay your bills. One wonders what he felt when he saw so many cartoonists after him employ the template he designed for the first comic book superhero. Joe was proud of the fact that he co-created Superman but for most of his life, he remained in the shadows. This perfectly suits its subject: a quiet cartoonist who remained humble in spite of the seismic shockwaves his work sent through pop culture. Most of the meticulously researched graphic biography, The Artist Behind Superman: The Joe Shuster Story-written by Julian Voloj, visualized by Thomas Campi, and published by Super Genius Comics-is smartly visualized in understated, softly painted Edward Hopper-esque images.